A HEAL Hero is someone who embraces healthy behaviors and helps others live the HEAL way.
Has someone in your life helped you get healthier?
Click here to nominate a HEAL Hero
Congratulations to Gary Mince for being honored as an official HEAL HERO.
Gary sets an example of dedication to health and fitness, workforce readiness, and community service.
Antoine is a HEAL Hero for his work ethic & drive to create a HEAL-icious recipe!
HEAL changed Antoine’s outlook on life and fueled a passion for cooking.
Dariena’s story inspired the development of HEAL at HOME in 2013.
Dariena’s inspiring story lead to the development of the HEAL at Home fitness minutes.
A HEAL Hero is someone who embraces the HEAL way of life by making genuine healthy lifestyle changes and, by example, inspires others to lead a Healthy Eating Active Living way of life.
Anyone can be a HEAL Hero.
Break down health barriers, Build healthy solutions, and help others live the HEAL way too!
World renowned local chef Frank Stitt shares his time and talent with HEAL.
This nationally recognized chef helps students and their families cook HEAL-icious meals.
Antonio Langham motivates thousands of children to Eat Healthy and Live Actively.
Legendary football champion volunteers to help students embrace the HEAL message.