Darriena told us that practicing HEAL at Home was her “key to life”.

Pictured to the right is Dariena with her mom.

Dariena Mahan was a 5th grader at Robinson Elementary when she submitted her HEAL Hero testimony in 2013. She explained that although it was unsafe for her and her brother to play outside, HEAL at Home materials provided fun activities that helped stave off boredom and anxiety, while also keeping the family active and healthy. Her whole family enjoyed cooing together and playing inside together. Darriena told us that practicing HEAL at Home was her “key to life”.

Dariena’s story inspired the development of the popular HEAL at Home fitness minute for Alabama Public Television, as well as the design of Renny’s living room TV studio, which serves to remind viewers that even those with very limited space can have fun with HEAL.

Today, millions of people can thank Dariena for helping bring HEAL to anyone in Alabama with a television and the motivation to eat healthier and live more actively.


Break down health barriers, build healthy solutions, and help others live the HEAL way too!